Keehan Law PLLC
Integrity, Dependability, and Compassion. Over eighteen years' experience achieving just results for clients.
Each person that comes through my door is deserving of respect and judgment-free counsel. Every person that becomes my client will receive diligent, effective and zealous representation. While I enjoy practicing law in several different fields and in many different courts throughout the state, the common thread throughout my practice is my commitment to always put my client's wellbeing first and to always listen to their goals, hopes and concerns when shaping case objectives and strategy. Client-centered representation begins with careful listening built upon a foundation of trust. Everyone is entitled to just and fair treatment when dealing with our legal system; I strive every day to make that aspiration a reality for each and every person that I accept as my client.

At Keehan Law PLLC, we provide the following legal services.
Any landlord faced with a difficult tenant or a problem tenancy knows how unforgiving the current legal landscape is for landlords. Keehan Law has a proven track record of tirelessly advocating for landlord rights. My advocacy is backed by a commitment to keep abreast of new developments in Washington's ever-changing landlord-tenant laws, a passion for innovative legal research, an embrace of hard work, all backed by deep experience representing landlords in Unlawful Detainer litigation throughout the superior courts in Thurston and surrounding counties.
Whether you are a returning client, are looking for new representation are an unpleasant experience with your current representation, or whether you're finding it is no longer possible to appear pro se when the tenant is entitled to a free appointed attorney thanks to Washington's first in the nation Right-to-Counsel law, please contact me to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case and find out whether Keehan Law can offer representation.
A DUI arrest can have life altering consequences. My experience enables me to serve my clients' needs, getting clients released from jail, promptly investigating your case, providing DOL advice to try to avoid suspensions or get you back driving legally. Every case is unique. I treat every client as an individual with your own background, personal story, and specific needs and priorities, goals and case objectives. Lawyers are prohibited from making guarantees about results. I will, however, promise to work with you to determine your needs and objectives and provide my best advice and representation as we work together as we try to achieve the best results possible for your particular case.
Firearm Rights
Restoring gun rights is a passion of mine. Long after a conviction, when you've paid your "debt to society", you deserve to get your constitutional 2nd Amendment rights back. Call today to see if you're eligible.
Protection Orders
For nearly two decades, I've been representing clients as both petitioners and respondents in every type of Civil Protection Order action available in Washington courts. Whether you are in urgent need of a protection order or have just been served, help is available. Please contact me for assistance with any Civil Protection Order dispute, including Domestic Violence Protection Orders, Sexual Assault Protection Orders, Stalking Protection orders, and Antiharassment Protection Order.
Vacating Criminal Convictions
Mistakes in your past don't need to haunt your future. Many adult felony and misdemeanor convictions can be vacated. Juvenile records can usually be vacated and sealed. Call today to see if your criminal history can be vacated or sealed.

About Keehan Law PLLC
Over eighteen years ago I opened my first law office based on the belief that an attorney's reputation means everything. A reputation for integrity, dependability and compassion must be earned one case at a time and one client at a time. Each person that comes through my door is deserving of respect and judgment-free counsel. Every person that becomes my client will receive diligent, effective and zealous representation. While I enjoy practicing law in several different fields and in many different courts throughout the state, the common thread throughout my practice is my commitment to always put my client's wellbeing first and to always listen to their goals, hopes and concerns when shaping case objectives and strategy. Client-centered representation begins with careful listening built upon a foundation of trust. Everyone is entitled to just and fair treatment when dealing with our legal system; I strive every day to make that aspiration a reality for each and every person that I accept as my client.
Please call me to discuss your case. I will give you a fair, frank assessment of your case and tell you how I believe that I can help you. Should I feel that I am not the right attorney for your case, I will politely and promptly decline representation so you can continue searching. Some attorneys will over-promise in order to get your money, and then ultimately under-deliver and disappoint you. As a prospective client, you deserve to hear the strengths as well as the weaknesses about your case. Some other attorneys may engage in high-pressure sales tactics or try to frighten you into quickly retaining them; however, I do not approve of such marketing tactics. I will patiently listen to your personal story and clearly explain my legal fees for your case and allow you as much time as you need to decide whether to retain me. In fact, I often encourage potential clients that have clearly been "attorney shopping" to feel free to call around to obtain other estimates before I draft my attorney fee agreement. I am absolutely confident about the quality of my legal services, the depth of my knowledge, my ability to research any unique legal problem that may arise, and my ability to secure you a fair and just trial. Moreover, I am confident that the flat fees and hourly rates that I charge for my legal services are well within community standards and commensurate with my decade of hard-won experience. I'm sure you will find that in many cases my attorney fees will be more affordable and a better value than my competition.
Get in touch with
Keehan Law PLLC
Call us
1800 Cooper Point Rd S.W., Ste. 12
Olympia, WA 98502
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